Friday, 3 April 2009

Environment: Earth Hour 2009

Did anyone of you join the Earth Hour event last week? What is Earth Hour? From Wikipedia,
“Earth Hour is a global event organized by WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature, also known as World Wildlife Fund) and is held on the last Saturday of March annually, asking households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights and other electrical appliances for one hour to raise awareness towards the need to take action on climate change.”
The event was conceived by WWF and first took place in Sydney in 2007, and then exploded into many parts of the world in 2008.

That night, I was out doing some shopping and thus there was no light on at home, but I was rather disappointed that the shops inside the mall didn’t join this remarkable event. I mean, come on, there wasn’t much business to do anyway. Maybe if they did join the event, and lit candles instead, the shops might have attracted more customers because of the mood and the curiosity of the people.
What can an hour of lights out do?
We are not talking about one home, but all around the world! Now that’s something much more different. Power is generated mostly from the burning of oil and coal these days, and by switching off redundant lights for one hour, it was enough to reduce the level of carbon dioxide (CO2) emission by a monumental amount! Data can be found on the WWF national websites as well as from Wikipedia.
What I think is even more important, is that human beings truly see no boundaries of countries, races and beliefs, and stand together to protect the one thing that nurtures as for many billions of years – our planet Earth. This common goal of survival does not base on declaring wars or triggering bloodshed, neither on generating money nor capturing resources, but on protecting Mother Nature. Every time I think about this, it just keeps giving me a rush of heroism to the chest.

How was the movie clip? Every time I watch it, I feel so touched and wants to cry so much!

When I was a little boy, like many other ones, thought about becoming a hero when I grew up, but I had no ideas how I could achieve that. Today, we all know how to be heroes, and everybody can take part in saving this awesome planet of ours – reduce, reuse and recycle.
Here I have a nice song from the Discovery Channel, called Boom De Ya Da! Sang by a lot of program hosts and hostesses, as well as famous scientist, Stephen Hawkings.
Easter is coming, let's make this world a happier and better place to live. If you care, every day is Earth Hour.

"We take so much from this planet, and what do we give back?" -- Locky
Coming soon: Review of the Japanese movie "Departure"

Reply to comments & readers:
  1. Happy Learning as always!