The first word which came to my mind that day was the term "talking gibberish", which reminds me of one of my favourite comedies called Johnny English, by my all-time favourite actor, Rowan Atkinson. (I will write the next entry to discover more about him)

Johnny English: (watch from 6:44)
(HMV is now selling it at $55 a DVD!!!)
But gibberish doesn't quite fit the word we wanted, and so I tried to recall and research, and here's what I have to share:
Gibber -- to speak quickly in a way that cannot be understood, usually when you are very frightened or confused
Jabber (away/out) -- to speak or say something quickly in a way that is difficult to understand
Gabble (away) -- to speak quickly and not clearly so that it is difficult to understand
Burble (about sth/on about sth)-- to talk about something continuously and in a way that is not very clear
Waffle (on)-- to talk or write a lot without giving any useful information or any clear answers
Mumble -- to speak quietly and in a way that is not clear so that the words are difficult to understand
What is interesting about these words are that they more or less have the suffix -er or -le in their spellings!!! I found an online book called "The Cambridge History of the English Language, Volume 3 by Richard M. Hogg, Norman Francis Blake, Roger Lass, R. W. Burchfield" which talks about these suffixes on page 406. What it says on the book is that -le expresses small and repeated movements, while -er expresses sound or movements.
After knowing this, I hope you will find memorizing these words a little easier. I have also discussed -en suffix earlier on, so you may take another look if you have forgotten.
There are many other examples given in this book, so you may also learn them up.
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