Friday 2 April 2010

Video: Warren Buffett's MBA Talk @ University of Florida (1998)

It's Friday again! And it is the start of the Easter holidays, I suppose no one will be reading my blog during this time. But should there be some hardworking students out there, and you are looking for something light yet more advanced and will improve both your English as well as your knowledge in investment, here is something I want to recommend to you:

Warren Buffett is not only highly intelligent, his pace of speaking is also really really fast. He loves to use metaphors in his speeches and he throws them out like at bullet's speed. I am most impressed by that! Do rewind a few times if you have to.

There are 10 parts to this MBA talk, so you can watch the next one from the links below.

Transcript can be found on this website.

Take your time and enjoy absorbing his wisdom! Happy Easter Holidays!!!


Watch all :

Part  1 --
Part  2 --
Part  3 --
Part  4 --
Part  5 --
Part  6 --
Part  7 --
Part  8 --
Part  9 --
Part 10 --