Friday 11 September 2015

Food & Dining: School Food @Time Square Causeway Bay

Interesting wall decor
Image from Locky's English Playground

My Dropbox has been stacking up too many photos taken of visits to new restaurants, now that my confirmation report has been submitted, it is about time to clear them up.

Back in late June, my wife, baby Muse and I visited School Food at Time Square. My wife had been wanting to try out the food for a long while, so after several persuasions stretching across several months. I think it was time to let her have her say. (I'm just joking, she always has her say).

Pork fried rice
Image from Locky's English Playground
One reason why I never really wanted to visit this restaurant, was the lack of amazing, wowing food on the recommended food board they place outside their restaurant. What's so interesting about sushi at a Korean restaurant? Or fried chicken that looks inferior to that of Pizza Maru's? Why would I want to try replicas and not the original? Then I tried to persuade myself that, fusion food is always worth a try, so what the hell, just try it.

Strawberry special
Image from Locky's English Playground
I only opted for the pork fried rice, for it is the only dish that looked filling to me. It was good. The strawberry special was baby Muse's favourite.

Image from Locky's English Playground
 Sushi was, well, sushi-like.

Sushi from a different angle
Image from Locky's English Playground
 The lack of soy sauce and wasabi but the presence of a few drops of salad sauce made the difference.

Carbonara Korean year cake
Image from Locky's English Playground
Carbonara Korean year cake was nice, but I have yet to try anything Carbonara that isn't nice. It is the safest sauce to go for if you know / don't know what you are doing.

Korean fried chicken
Image from Locky's English Playground
And we are near the last dish. (Really? That quick? Yes, really.) Korean fried chicken was better than McDonald's but still has a lot of work to do to catch up with those of Pizza Maru.

Well, these are just my personal opinions, my wife in fact is full of praises for them a lot and has recently said she wanted to visit the restaurant again. Though at a not-so-school-food price and really school-food quality, I wonder why there is always a waiting group outside the restaurant.

For more food and dining, click on the FOOD and DINING tags here.

School Food @Openrice

Food & Dining: Best Fried Korean Chicken and Pizzas by Pizza Maru Express!!!! @Locky's English Playground