Saturday 26 January 2013

Message: Message To The World

Image from Locky's English Playground
Hello everybody! Great news! bb Sharky has decided to spread the message of shark conservation to the world by joining Facebook on the 25th Jan 2013! What a day to remember!

Now you can go to bb Sharky's Official Facebook Page at, to get the latest news from bb Sharky as well as his latest portraits. Here's a free one he shares with you!

Image from Locky's English Playground
To show your support in bb Sharky's educational work, do visit the Facebook page, hit the "Like" button and share his page to your friends!

bb Sharky's Official Facebook Page

Message: New bb Sharky Icon and Page Added @ Locky's English Playground

Animals: Doing My Part For The Sharks  @ Locky's English Playground