Wednesday 12 February 2020

Academic Writing: The Microsoft Word referencing style extender for linguistics journals

APA 7th Edition (Alpha)
Image from Locky's English Playground
Frustrated by the fact that Microsoft Word doesn't have the referencing styles for linguistics journals, I created my own stylesheets by extending Yves Dhondt's BibWord project. 

Download link:

Please feel free to make requests for new styles, report bugs and leave comments.

Latest addition:
  1. APA 7th Edition (Alpha version)
  2. Language, Context and Text : The Social Semiotics Forum
  3. Corpora
  4. De Gruyter Mouton journals
  5. SAGE Harvard for SAGE journals

Citation: Law, L. (2020). The Microsoft Word referencing style extender for linguistics journals. GitHub.

Thursday 6 February 2020

Wednesday 5 February 2020

Medical: Size of #SARS vs #WARS virions

Is WARS virions really bigger than SARS'? If so, by how much? The following references will give us some clues.



Academic Research: [回應訴求 during #WARS?]

Image from BYU BNC

Image from BYU COCA

[回應訴求 during #WARS?]

Maybe it is just me and my poor Cantonese / Chinese + translation, but the expression 回應訴求 doesn't sound right to me (and always irritates me every time I hear it).

Given that
回應 (vb) = to respond to;
訴求 (n ) = (public / popular / - ) demand(s);

Asking HKGov to 回應訴求 (in Cantonese) does not seem to imply that a positive outcome is expected, which may explain why HKGov officials almost always claim that "we have responded, and the answer is 'no'".

Statistically, in UK / US English at least, "to meet demands" and "to satisfy demands" (滿足訴求 in Cantonese) are much more frequent (FYI: by the multiples) than "to respond to demands".

So maybe it is time to start using 滿足訴求 instead of 回應訴求 from now on.

Just saying.
