Friday 6 January 2012

Photography & Websites: Chase Javis With Lego Camera & Fujifilm X100

Watching DigitalRev TV's last video of the year, I got to know Chase Jarvis (while maintaining that he doesn't know me) and learnt something very precious about taking photographs with the models.

See if you know what I mean after watching this video.

So, you know what I mean now?

Chase is indeed a great photographer not only because he can take excellent photos but he is able to comfort and understands his models. He is inspirational! He's fun-loving! He has no camera shy and he's a bit of an actor in front of it too! He has the ability to make people like him in his photo journey, and I guess, this is something I have to learn. Then again, I'm not a pro, so, baby steps.

Also, I definitely need to learn the importance of a flashlight. I'm still not getting it. Need to read more books on it.
"The best camera is the one that is with you." -- Chase Jarvis

His website has some great photos too! I particularly find the "unfocused" album interesting, at least from today, I shouldn't delete all my out-of-focus, wrong-focused photos.

You may want to check it out!

And I have another awesome website to recommend to you. Pixel-peeper.

Photos taken with Canon 7D and 24-105mm f/4 L lens

I have always wanted to test out the cameras and the lenses before buying them, but I often had trouble finding sample photographs for me to do pixel studies -- that is comparing pixel by pixel for noise and quality.

Then I found this website, which allows me to filter out the photos taken with the cameras and the lenses I want. Surely some photos have been Photoshopped but you can still get a good number of original photos. You can even set your criteria for the sizes of the photos, saving your precious time on finding the right photos you want.

With the help of this website, I have decided which wide angle lens I'm getting this Sunday!!! NICE!!!

Don't forget to "Like" this entry and the English Playground

inspirational -- (adj) making you feel hopeful or encouraged
fun-loving -- (adj) that enjoys the pleasures of life
baby step -- (n)[C] (idiomatic) Small, tentative steps towards a goal.

Chase Jarvis, Lego Camera - DigitalRev TV @ YouTube

Chase Jarvis Photography

Pixel Peeper

Technology: Meizu MX VS iPhone & Android Phones?

Mexizu MX
Image from
I'm going to post a couple of entries today as they don't really belong to the same category and they are quite short.

First, it is the Meizu MX up for sale made US news.

Does it look more like an iPhone or an Android phone?

Cheers for a proper phone brand for China, but I'm going to look forward to the Samsung Galaxy SIII !!! With Samsung Galaxy S2 running on 1.2 GHz dual-core ARM Cortex-A9 SoC processor and Galaxy Note on 1.4 GHz dual-core ARM Cortex-A9 SoC processor, the SIII is expected to be at least 1.6GHz if not quad-core!

quad -- (n) [C] informal any of four children who are born to the same mother at the same time

iPhone look-alike flies off shelves in China (2:36) @ Reuters

Samsung Galaxy SII @ Wikipedia

Samsung Galaxy Note @ Wikipedia