Friday 22 September 2017

Auto & Environment: My Take on Air Quality Objectives Review 2017 with Views Collection Form

Image from EPD HK

There are two public engagement forums on Air Quality Objectives Review (Public Engagement) coming up, Sep 28 2:15pm and 30th Sep 10am. Registration is required.

For those of us not free to attend, we can also share our views here:

No idea how serious the government will take our views though.

Here are my comments:

Review of the Air Quality Objectives
Public Engagement
Views Collection Form

Q1:Any views and comments on possible new air quality improvement measures discussed during the review?
Don't need a new air quality improvement measure, just need to bring back 100% EV FRT waiver for private cars.
The main reason being, the policy has absolutely no effect on stopping private car growth. Transport Department data has clearly shown that EVs sales is next to nothing since the massive EV FRT waiver cut, while ICEVs have recorded record-breaking sales. Now these ICEVs will stay with us for the next 5-8 years as their efficiency deteriorates, and our lungs will have to clean up their and your mess.

Freeing tax for EVs is not subsidizing car purchase using tax payers' money, because without the waiver, the tax income from EVs is negligible anyway. So, how can money be lost if it is impossible to earn it in the first place?

Q2:Any other suggestion on possible new air quality improvement measures?

Increase FRT for ICEVs and bring back full FRT waiver for EVs, obviously.
Just talk to professors at PolyU, they have the latest tech in solar glass and panels.

Image from EPD