Monday 29 July 2013

Cooking & Food: Battle Of The Udon -- Stage 2

Hello Monday!

After Stage 1 of the challenge, I hope it has got easier for you when choosing a dry udon. We have come to Stage 2 of the battle, and this time, instead of 4 udon, I have greedily added 1 more and I will explain the reason later. As for now, just a quick reminder the results from Stage 1,

Results from Stage 1

Stage 1
(Left to Rigth) Menyuraku Sanuki Udon Noodle, ACE Sanuki Udon,
Aoiyume Kobo Udon, Topvalu Udon Noodle Sanuki
Image from Locky's English Playground
Round 1 -- Price
Winner: Topvalu Udon Noodle Sanuki -- HK$4.38/100g

Round 2 -- "Dry length" of udon noodle
Winner: ACE Sanuki Udon  -- 24.4cm

Round 3 -- Cooking time of the udon noodle
Winners: Menyuraku Sanuki Udon Noodle --  8 mins; Aoiyume Kobo Udon -- 8 mins

Round 4 -- The "Stretch" of the udon noodle
Winner: Menyuraku Sanuki Udon Noodle -- (26.5 - 20.4) / 20.4 x 100% = 29.9%

Round 5 -- Edibility! 
Winner: Aoiyume Kobo Udon

Overall "Battle Of The Udon" Stage 1 Winner !
ACE Sanuki Udon

It has to be said, the competition of Stage 1 was very fierce and every contestant has won a round before ACE Sanuki Udon came out as the overall Stage 1 winner, but will Stage 2 be less competitive or will it be another hard fight?

Battle of the five, who will win, and who will lose?
Image from Locky's English Playground
This time round, instead of 4 total contestants, I have found 4 new additions to the battle instead. The reason being, I want to know what happens when ACE udon meets ACE udon, since there are at least 3 ACE udon noodles I can find in Jusco /AEON. Menyuraku also wants to get back on ACE with another type of udon under its brand, so I will give them another chance. New challenger Japan Furusato Sodachi Udon wants to know where it stands in the league and so ...

Ladies and Gentlemen, I hereby present to you, a simple yet scientific "Battle Of The Udon"! A series of udon challenge in which only one of the 5 udon will win and get to move on to the next round.

Without further ado, let's get to know our contestants in ...

Round 1 :  Price-Per-100g!

ACE Sanuki Udon
Image from Locky's English Playground

ACE Japanese Udon (Hand-made Style)
Image from Locky's English Playground

ACE Shikoku Sanuki Udon
Image from Locky's English Playground

Menyuraku Sanuki Zaru Udon Noodle
Image from Locky's English Playground

Japan Furusato Sodachi Udon
Image from Locky's English Playground

I really had some struggle here since all the udon are having discounts, which means, they are not at their usual price, but after I found out that our Stage 1 Winner is actually selling at the same price as before even though it claimed to be on discount, I decided that "discount" for these udon may just be lies anyway. Since they are all having "discounts", I decided to use the actual prices for this round of competition.

In Stage 2, our four contestants from left to right, all bought from AEON / JUSCO Supermarket, are:
  • ACE Sanuki Udon, 400g, HK$19.9
  • ACE Japanese Udon (Hand-made Style), 400g, HK$14.9
  • ACE Shikoku Sanuki Udon, 1000g, HK$32.9
  • Menyuraku Sanuki Zaru Udon Noodle, 500g, HK$26.9
  • Japan Furusato Sodachi Udon, 400g, HK$16.9
Knowing the size and price are important, but knowing the Price-Per-100g is the key.
  • ACE Sanuki Udon                                    -- HK$4.98/100g
  • ACE Japanese Udon (Hand-made Style) -- HK$3.73/100g
  • ACE Shikoku Sanuki Udon                      -- HK$3.29/100g
  • Menyuraku Sanuki Zaru Udon Noodle    -- HK$5.38/100g
  • Japan Furusato Sodachi Udon                -- HK$4.23/100g
And what do you know, the bigger is really cheaper in this particular case, at 1000g, ACE Shikoku Sanuki Udon beats 2nd place brother ACE Japanese Udon (Hand-made Style) by a whole HK$0.44!!! Our Stage 1 Winner turns out to be the 2nd most expensive udon after Menyuraku Sanuki Zaru Udon Noodle!
ACE Shikoku Sanuki Udon -- Winner of Price-Per-100g
Image from Locky's English Playground
Congratulations to ACE Shikoku Sanuki Udon for grabbing the first win in Round 1!

Looks like we will have a great battle today!

Oh no! They are not of the same thickness! What should I do?
Image from Locky's English Playground

Round 2: The "dry length" of udon noodle.

Like last time, we will use the "dry length" as a control, but this time round I realised that they are not of the same thickness. Should I change the entire round because of this variable or should I use a micro-tool to measure the differences?

After much thinking, I decided that I will let thickness to be judged in Round 5 Edibility. Since it affects the texture more than the "Stretch".

Also, although of different thickness, "Stretch" in Round 4 is not calculated using thickness anyway, so this wouldn't affect our grading system.

Here are the measurements:
ACE Sanuki Udon -- 24.7cm
Image from Locky's English Playground
ACE Japanese Udon (Hand-made Style) -- 24.5cm
Image from Locky's English Playground
ACE Shikoku Sanuki Udon -- 21.5cm
Image from Locky's English Playground
Menyuraku Sanuki Zaru Udon Noodle -- 20.2cm
Image from Locky's English Playground
ACE Sanuki Udon -- 23.5cm
Image from Locky's English Playground
After measuring, the results are:
  • ACE Sanuki Udon                                    -- 24.7cm
  • ACE Japanese Udon (Hand-made Style) -- 24.5cm
  • ACE Shikoku Sanuki Udon                      -- 21.5cm
  • Menyuraku Sanuki Zaru Udon Noodle    -- 20.2cm
  • Japan Furusato Sodachi Udon                -- 23.5cm
Looks like this time round, the big pack isn't doing so good, but ACE Sanuki Udon went on to claim the longest in "dry-length" award once more! It's orange ACE Japanese Udon (Hand-made Style) twin came very close and I have a feeling that they might in fact be of the same length on average, and because of this suspicion, I went to do an eye-level check and found that they are almost of exactly the same length overall.

Therefore, I am awarding both ACE Sanuki Udon and ACE Japanese Udon (Hand-made Style) to be the deserved Round 2 winner!

Congratulations to ACE Sanuki Udon and ACE Japanese Udon (Hand-made Style) for winning Round 2!
Final 10 secs
Image from Locky's English Playground

Round 3: Cooking time of the udon noodle

This contributes to the amount of water absorption and thus affecting the elasticity, the bite, the taste of the udon and also ... the price you pay for gas.

Same as the last stage, I decided to use the recommended time of cooking, taking the lower limit if a range is given, to allow each udon achieve optimal length, elasticity, bite and taste.
(Left to Right) ACE Sanuki Udon -- 10 mins, ACE Japanese Udon (Hand-made Style) -- 7 mins,
ACE Shikoku Sanuki Udon -- 10 mins
Image from Locky's English Playground
The ACE family, ACE Sanuki Udon ACE Japanese Udon  (Hand-made Style) and ACE Shikoku Sanuki Udon will be given a lower limit of 10 mins, 7 mins and 10 mins respectively.
(Left to Right) Menyuraku Sanuki Zaru Udon Noodle -- 6 mins
Japan Furusato Sodachi Udon -- 8 mins
Image from Locky's English Playground

While  Menyuraku Sanuki Zaru Udon Noodle and Japan Furusato Sodachi Udon will be given 6 mins and 8 mins respectively.

All together, the result is as follows:
  • ACE Sanuki Udon                                    -- 10 mins
  • ACE Japanese Udon (Hand-made Style) --  7 mins
  • ACE Shikoku Sanuki Udon                      -- 10 mins
  • Menyuraku Sanuki Zaru Udon Noodle    -- 6 mins
  • Japan Furusato Sodachi Udon                -- 8 mins
Taking the cost of gas into account, the Menyuraku brand once again claimed the shortest recommended cooking time title with its Menyuraku Sanuki Zaru Udon Noodle again due to its shortest "dry-length", ACE Sanuki Udon again have the longest dry length. But unlike the Stage 1,the longer the udon doesn't necessarily mean that it takes the longest cooking time as ACE Japanese Udon (Hand-made Style) requires only 7 mins.

Could thickness be the reason? Or the ingredients? It's almost impossible to tell. What we can tell is, although Menyuraku Sanuki Zaru Udon Noodle requires the least cooking time, it is also HK$2.09 more expensive than a 10-min ACE Shikoku Sanuki Udon and HK$0.40 costlier than a 10-min ACE Sanuki Udon per-100g.

Congratulations to Menyuraku Sanuki Zaru Udon Noodle for winning Round 3!

But I'm guessing 4 minutes of gas on a stove need not cost as much as HK$0.40 or HK$2.09.

Round 4 of the battle is the "Stretch" of the udon noodle

Boiled and Chilled
Image from Locky's English Playground

The stretch is measured by the cooked length minus the dry length, divide by the dry length multiply by 100%

Stretch = (cooked length - dry length) / dry length x 100%

Using the recommended time in Round 3 to cook each udon and removing them from the hot water at approximately the last second with the help of the timer on my stove, then placing the udon into cold water for about 1 minute before placing them onto a black tray to compare the length, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you...

The stretch of udon
Image from Locky's English Playground
... the stretch of each udon!!! This time, with close-ups photos.

ACE Sanuki Udon -- 30.7cm
Image from Locky's English Playground
ACE Sanuki Udon -- 30.7cm
Image from Locky's English Playground
ACE Japanese Udon (Hand-made Style) -- 30.2cm
Image from Locky's English Playground
ACE Japanese Udon (Hand-made Style) -- 30.2cm
Image from Locky's English Playground
ACE Shikoku Sanuki Udon -- 26.0cm
Image from Locky's English Playground
ACE Shikoku Sanuki Udon -- 26.0cm
Image from Locky's English Playground
Menyuraku Sanuki Zaru Udon Noodle -- 25.8cm
Image from Locky's English Playground
Menyuraku Sanuki Zaru Udon Noodle -- 25.8cm
Image from Locky's English Playground
Japan Furusato Sodachi Udon  -- 29.8cm
Image from Locky's English Playground
Japan Furusato Sodachi Udon  -- 29.8cm
Image from Locky's English Playground

All together, the result is as follows:
  • ACE Sanuki Udon                                    --  (30.7 - 24.7) / 24.7 x 100% = 24.3%
  • ACE Japanese Udon (Hand-made Style) --  (30.2 - 24.5) / 24.5 x 100% = 23.3%
  • ACE Shikoku Sanuki Udon                      --  (26.0 - 21.5) / 21.5 x 100% = 20.9%
  • Menyuraku Sanuki Zaru Udon Noodle    --  (25.8 - 20.2) / 20.2 x 100% = 27.7%
  • Japan Furusato Sodachi Udon                --  (29.8 - 23.5) / 23.5 x 100% = 26.8%
From the percentage, we can see that just like the last stage, the Menyuraku brand continues to beat others in terms of "stretch". Sanuki Zaru Udon Noodle has 27.7% of stretch, close to its previous record of 29.9% set by its Sanuki Udon Noodle.

Japan Furusato Sodachi Udon came close with a 26.8% stretch but was beaten by a nose distance. So...

Congratulations to Menyuraku Sanuki Zaru Udon Noodle for winning Round 4!

Round 5, the final round of the battle, is Edibility! 

Now, I must admit that I do fear that I will lean towards the Winner of Stage 1, so this time, I asked my wife to be the main judge in this Stage so her comments carry double more weight than mine. Each noodle is cut into two parts and each of us will taste half with a sip of water in between each tasting. The difference is, I know which udon noodle is to which brand but this information is hidden from her so she is single-blinded. The whole process was recorded and typed out by me right now.

Ready for her comments?
  • ACE Sanuki Udon -- very chewy, floury taste, taste best!
  • ACE Japanese Udon (Hand-made Style) -- thinner than the first udon, very hard, chewy but not as good as the first
  • ACE Shikoku Sanuki Udon -- not as chewy as the first one, not much taste, so far the first one is the best
  • Menyuraku Sanuki Zaru Udon Noodle -- also chewy, super sticky, wheaty taste
  • Japan Furusato Sodachi Udon -- too thin, prefer a thicker texture, not much taste
My comments are as follow:
  • ACE Sanuki Udon -- smooth, very chewy, recoils on breaking
  • ACE Japanese Udon (Hand-made Style) -- thinner, chewy, tougher than the first, rounded body
  • ACE Shikoku Sanuki Udon -- chewy, melts in the hand and mouth
  • Menyuraku Sanuki Zaru Udon Noodle -- very easy to break, sticky, stronger taste, tofu taste
  • Japan Furusato Sodachi Udon -- thinner, too slippery, not much taste
And I think you know my wife's pick, but here's the ranking she offered me:

  1. ACE Sanuki Udon
  2. Menyuraku Sanuki Zaru Udon
  3. The rest 
Aoiyume Kobo Udon -- Winner of edibility
Image from Locky's English Playground

Congratulations to ACE Sanuki Udon for winning Round 5! 

After the test, I think it is very important that my wife offers her help so that we can be the most objective while subjectively picking out the winner of Round 5 Edibility.

Now it's time to pick the Stage 2 winner! Will ACE Sanuki Udon prevail? Or will it be replaced?

Before I reveal the answer, let me do a quick summary of our current winners.
  • Menyuraku Sanuki Zaru Udon Noodle -- Winner of Stretch
  • ACE Sanuki Udon and ACE Japanese Udon (Hand-made Style) --  Winner of Dry Length
  • ACE Sanuki Udon -- Winner of Edibility
  • ACE Shikoku Sanuki Udon -- Winner of Price-Per-100g
Seems like it's a battle of the ACE family and Menyuraku, but is that really the case?

(Left to Rigth) ACE Sanuki Udon, ACE Japanese Udon (Hand-made Style), ACE Shikoku Sanuki Udon, Menyuraku Sanuki Zaru Udon Noodle, Japan Furusato Sodachi Udon
Image from Locky's English Playground

To be honest, the price of the Nature-crossovers-Recipe-packaged ACE Shikoku Sanuki Udon is hard to beat, at HK$3.29/100g this family pack udon gave major embarrassment to Topvalu Udon Noodle Sanuki (at HK$4.38/100g), the cheapest of Stage 1. Although it didn't win any positive comments from my wife, it does level with ACE Japanese Udon (Hand-made Style) (at HK$3.73/100g) and Japan Furusato Sodachi Udon (at HK$4.23/100g). Not too shabby! If I were to get good feeling when shopping, I will definitely go for ACE Shikoku Sanuki Udon , and it's Sayonara (goodbye) to Topvalu Udon Noodle Sanuki. I mean, come on! This is record low price we are talking about!

Orangey white-river-packaged ACE Japanese Udon (Hand-made Style) (at HK$3.73/100g) is the best if you want a rounded-body udon. Although some might say "if you want rounded-body then go for pure noodles", I think otherwise. A rounded-body udon simply offers more choices and varieties for consumers. Being the second cheapest ever in our competition.

Same goes for our new challenger Japan Furusato Sodachi Udon (at HK$4.23/100g). It is strong as a thin option, and still cheaper than Stage 1 cheap king Topvalu Udon Noodle Sanuki (at HK$4.38/100g). By the way, is that Mount Fuji in the packet?

That leaves Menyuraku Sanuki Zaru Udon Noodle and ACE Sanuki Udon.

Same as Stage 1, Menyuraku Sanuki Zaru Udon Noodle (HK$5.38/100g) has the longest stretch, a more artistic packet than its brother in Stage 1 Menyuraku Sanuki Udon Noodle (HK$5.15/100g), but is that worth another HK$0.23/100g just for the design? Looking back at Stage 1, I remember that the udon actually had much better textures, but why is this time for a more expensive price I paid I get much more sticky udon that breaks easily? Better taste, maybe, but not good enough to cover the stickiness issue. The company will have to find a way to fix this to justify their prices.

Finally, our Stage 2 Winner!!!

ACE Sanuki Udon -- Winner of Stage 2
Image from Locky's English Playground
Both my wife and I picked ACE Sanuki Udon as the Winner of Stage 2!!! That's two wins in a row!!!

From relatively low price in Stage 1 to relatively expensive in Stage 2 at HK$4.98 / 100g, ACE Sanuki Udon's 10-min relatively "long" cooking time still offers that unforgettable recoil on breaking even when cut into half! It is an edible rubber band and it's incredibly fun to play with! It's non-stickiness really helps it to top the rest of the udon. It has the thickness that defines an udon, making the entire eating experience enjoyable.

I'm starting to think that it's medium "stretch" may be the key to its elasticity. Let's think about it, too little "stretch" means it's not taking in enough water, too much means it takes in too much water causing the udon noodle to break easily or melt, giving that stickiness.

If this is true then shortening the time of those sticky udons might improve the situation, but that is a duty of the companies when it comes to recommended cooking time.


Congratulations to ACE Sanuki Udon 讃岐うどん for becoming Locky's English Playground, "Battle Of The Udon" Stage 2 Winner !

Please leave a comment if you like this post and would like to see how ACE Sanuki Udon goes head to head against other new udon in Stage 3!

Time for lunch!

For more tips on cooking and food, check out the links below:

get back on sb -- phrasal verb to talk to someone again, usually on the telephone , in order to give them some information or because you were not able to speak to them before
Without further ado -- Cliché without further talk. (An overworked phrase usually heard in public announcements.)
costlier -- (adj) more costly
single-blinded -- (adj) of, relating to, or being an experimental procedure in which the experimenters but not the subjects know the makeup of the test and control groups during the actual course of the experiments
Not too shabby / not so shabby -- slang used for saying that something is good

Battle of the 5 Udon -- Part 2 @ YouTube

Cooking & Food: Battle Of The Udon -- Stage 1 @ Locky's English Playground

Cooking @ Locky's English Playground

Food @ Locky's English Playground

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Food: The Search For Great Curry -- Part 4 @ Man Wah Restaurant

Curry beef rice with egg and tea, HK$47
Image from Locky's English Playground
Hi people, sorry, I am so hooked on Android app programming that ...

"There is absolutely nothing of interest to me, out there, on Earth, at all." -- Sherlock Holmes by Robert Downey Jr.

... other than, well, maybe... writing this blog and!

Yeah, this is what I am doing every day these days, I learn, I program, I eat, I work and I sleep, for as long as my app is incomplete.

The Search For Great Curry -- Part 1 and 2 were disastrous, Part 3 was better but it came at a high price, literally, because I really cannot afford to have $70+ for a curry rice meal often, I needed a place more affordable to dine out at.

Image from Locky's English Playground
Back at my "canteen", Man Wah Restaurant has recently offered a few new choices on their menus, two of which are curry dishes. With such a good news, how can I not give it a go?

In fact, I did not just give it A go, I gave 7 in total -- 5 times for the beef and twice for the chicken in order to offer you my best comments on these dishes.

Bird's eye view
Image from Locky's English Playground
The overall presentation is above average if you compare it with the previous 3 restaurants' I have commented on. The rice is first moulded into a bowl before it gets on the plate. The curry came in a brand new large deep plate which is a nice touch that satisfies those who enjoy large portions. The curry is deep yellow with visible red chilli powder in it, making it look very pleasant to the eyes. The smell was slightly towards the strong side for a Hong Kong-style curry which is exactly the way I like it. The sauce is of a nice viscosity and is very consistent during all my visits.

Close up of the beef tendon on the left and meat on the right
Image from Locky's English Playground
The beef curry has the best consistency in the number of pieces of potato, but not for the tendons and meat. Sometimes I get more meat than tendons, sometimes just the opposite. I suppose if a special request is made, then you may get the perfect balance. I believe that the waitresses have adequate English to handle such request, as I have seen them handling similar requests in several occasions.

Tendons and tendons
Image from Locky's English Playground
Both the meat and the tendons are tender and chewy enough respectively, and because there is curry sauce in them after every bite, you can tell the chef has at least tried to cook the meat and tendons in the curry for awhile, unlike some other restaurants which prefer a cook-separately-and-mix-later method, which I REALLY REALLY dislike!

An over-easy egg
Image from Locky's English Playground
The egg is an over-easy egg every time meaning that the quality control for the dish is pretty well done.

Image from Locky's English Playground
At the same price, we have the chicken curry with rice.

The chicken curry is more oily than the beef one
Image from Locky's English Playground
Basically using the same curry sauce but tastes slightly different due to the chicken oil. It is more oily than the beef one and thus also taste lighter, possibly due to the presence of chicken skin.

Bird's eye view
Image from Locky's English Playground
Other than the oiliness, and a little bit of dryness in the meat at times, it is pretty good.

Image from Locky's English Playground
If you also love curry, here's my dining tip! The way I like to eat the rice is to throw all the rice into the deep plate so that all the sauce are being absorbed by the rice and no sauce is wasted.

In summary, the look is pretty decent so ... 4 stars, but the portion of the meat is only half of what I have expected, so that costs them 1 star. The taste is very good but not amazing, so it's a 4. The smell was the best part of the dish, so definitely a 5. The meat and tendons are tender enough but the chicken is a little dry at times, so 4 stars for textures. Temperature-wise, there seems to be quite a difference in range. It has improved since my first experience but I can only give a 3 for now until I see a consistency in the hotness.

So what do you think? Why don't you try it and leave me comments below to tell me what you think?


Look:            ★★★★☆ 4/5
Taste:            ★★★★☆ 4/5
Smell:            ★★★★★ 5/5
Textures:       ★★★★☆ 4/5
Temperature: ★★★☆☆ 3/5
Overall:         ★★★★☆ 20/25

dine out -- (vb) [I] formal to go to a restaurant to eat your evening meal:
viscosity -- (n)[U]  specialized describes a liquid that is thick and sticky and does not flow easily


Food: The Search For Great Curry -- Part 3 @ Locky's English Playground

Food: The Search For Great Curry -- Part 2 @ Locky's English Playground

Food: The Search For Great Curry -- Part 1 @ Locky's English Playground

Friday 19 July 2013

Cooking: Locky's Home-made Pork Chop Bun

Locky's pork chop bun
Image from Locky's English Playground
If you are like me, can't stand the tastelessness of the pork chop buns of Chopsticks Kee, loves the one from Tai Lei Loi Kee in Macau but think it's too far away, then today's your lucky day! I'm gonna teach you how to make yourself a very very nice pork chop bun!

It's very easy to make so there is no need to panic!
Preparation before cooking
Image from Locky's English Playground
You'll need,

  • pork chops (8 pieces from Brazil for HK$22)
  • buns
  • white pepper
  • wine / Shaoxing rice wine
  • sugar / mirin
  • soy sauce
  • ginger

Step 1, tenderise both sides of the pork chop by poking it with double forks, or even better if you have a meat tenderiser that is NOT of a hammer shape, this is because a hammer-like tenderiser will flatten the meat and affecting the texture.

Grate the ginger
Image from Locky's English Playground
Step 2, grate the ginger with a grater if you have one, else, chop the ginger until it is very fine. Ginger helps to remove the unpleasant smell, if any due to freezing and defrosting, from the pork.

Image from Locky's English Playground
Step 3, half a cup of soy sauce for the saltiness, about two teaspoons of mirin / sugar for the balance, 1/4 of a cup of Shaoxing wine for the miraculous taste as well as the removal of icy smell, and finally about half a teaspoon of pepper to spice up the pork a little.

All mixed
Image from Locky's English Playground
 Step 4, mix well, add a few more pokes with the fork if you want the marination to speed up.

Good night in there!
Image from Locky's English Playground
Step 5, if you can afford the time, leave it in the fridge overnight. If not, leave it at room temperature for at least 2 hours.

Sizzling sound
Image from Locky's English Playground
Step 6, with a little oil, sear the pork chop with large flame for about 1 min on each side to lock the meat juice in, then switch to low flame for another minute on each side to make sure the pork is completely cooked because you don't want to have tapeworms inside you.

Tuck in!
Image from Locky's English Playground
Step 7, the usual, tuck in!

Simple and easy to make! Give it a go this weekend and have a great one!

meat tenderiser -- (n)[C] see Food & Dining: Tonkichi Tonkatsu Seafood Restaurant @ Locky's English Playground
defrost -- (vb) [I or T] to (cause to) become free of ice, or to (cause to) become no longer frozen: 
marination -- (n)[U] the process of soaking foods in a seasoned, often acidic, liquid before cooking.
sear -- (vb) [T]  to fry a piece of meat quickly at a high temperature, in  order  to  prevent  liquid and  flavour escaping from it
tuck in -- Also tuck into Informal to eat, esp heartily


Travelling & Living: Macau One-Day Trip @ Locky's English Playground

Food & Dining: Chopsticks Kee @ Locky's English Playground

Food & Dining: Tonkichi Tonkatsu Seafood Restaurant @ Locky's English Playground

Medical Vocabulary: Medical Words from House M.D.  @ Locky's English Playground