Wednesday 11 January 2012

Event: No Pants Subway Ride 2012

Image by Gerry Kahrmann/Postmedia News

One event after another, on 8th January, 2012, there was a D&G Photo-taking Day in Hong Kong, on the other side of the planet, same day but 13 hours apart, there was a No Pants Subway Ride in New York!
A platform full of people in New York
Image from   

What is the No Pants Subway Ride all about?

Here's the origin.

From a prank to a city's annual event to a event celebrated in 49 cities across the globe. A celebration of humanity which is outside the scope of the Olympic Game; a celebration of silliness as their website puts it; a celebration of freedom 10 years in a row!!

And actually, it is not restricted to a single city or country. Try San Francisco for instance.
San Francisco — No Pants Subway Ride 2012 on 8th Jan
Image from The MADgazine
See Taiwan is not just about the election.
Taiwan's No Pants Subway Ride
Image from
And Guangzhou too!
Image from

Like this video? There are more on Improv Everywhere.

Image from
When will Hong Kong gets its turn?

Wait a second, will we see a merge in D&G Photo-taking Day with the No Pants Subway Ride next year?


A protester holds a placard outside a chain store of Dolce & Gabbana
in Hong Kong, Sunday, Jan 8, 2012. -- PHOTO: AP

And why not? Since the D&G Photo-taking Day is a move to regain freedom of photography and the No Pants Subway Ride is about freedom to not wear pants in the Subway. The former definitely will make a bigger scene while no wearing pants and the latter definitely enjoy being shot by thousands of cameras.

This might actually come true one day! Another idea I can claim credit from!

prank -- (n)[C] a trick that is intended to be funny but not to cause harm or damage
humanity -- (n) [U] people in general
placard -- (n) [C] a large piece of card, paper, etc. with a message written or printed on it, often carried in public places by people who are complaining about something

News: Disliking Dolce & Gabbana @ Hong Kong! @ Locky's English Playground

The First No Pants Subway Ride @ YouTube

No Pants Subway Ride 2011 @ YouTube

Celebrate Humanity @ Wikipedia

No Pants Subway Ride 2012 @ The MADgazine

The No Pants Subway Ride @ Improv Everywhere

No Pants Day @ Wikipedia

No Pants Subway Ride 2012: Pantless riders hit NYC subways @ NY Daily News